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The Perfect Tie

By After Six — Men's Formalwear & Wedding Attire

Originally worn for warmth by soldiers, the tie appeared in France during the reign of Louis XIII—and it's come a long way. Now the tie is synonymous with the well-crafted dress of the distinguished gentleman. From the half-Windsor and the Prince Albert knot to the bow tie, these step-by-step instructions for classic knots will add the ultimate panache to your black-tie ensemble.



— Ideal for the Office —
  • Four-in-Hand Knot Tie Step 1

    1. Start with wide end of tie on your right and extending a foot below narrow end.

  • Four-in-Hand Knot Tie Step 2

    2. Cross wide end over narrow and turn back underneath.

  • Four-in-Hand Knot Tie Step 3

    3. Continue around, passing wide end across front of narrow once more.

  • Four-in-Hand Knot Tie Step 4

    4. Pass wide end up through loop.

  • Four-in-Hand Knot Tie Step 5

    5. Holding front end of knot loose with index finger, pass wide end down through loop in front.

  • Four-in-Hand Knot Tie Step 6

    6. Tighten knot carefully. Draw up tight to collar by holding narrow end and sliding knot up snug.


Classic Windsor Knot

— A Day At The Races —
  • Classic Windsor Knot Tie Step 1

    1. Start with wide end of tie on your right and extending a foot below narrow end.

  • Classic Windsor Knot Tie Step 2

    2. Cross wide end over narrow and bring up through loop.

  • Classic Windsor Knot Tie Step 3

    3. Bring wide end down around behind narrow end up on your right.

  • Classic Windsor Knot Tie Step 4

    4. Then put down through loop and around across narrow as shown.

  • Classic Windsor Knot Tie Step 5

    5. Turn and pass up through loop...

  • Classic Windsor Knot Tie Step 6

    6. Complete by slipping down through the knot in front. Tighten and draw up to collar.


Half Windsor Knot

— Sartorial Elegance —
  • Half Windsor Knot Tie Step 1

    1. Start with wide end of tie on your right an extending a foot below narrow end.

  • Half Windsor Knot Tie Step 2

    2. Cross wide end over narrow and turn back underneath.

  • Half Windsor Knot Tie Step 3

    3. Bring up and turn down through loop.

  • Half Windsor Knot Tie Step 4

    4. Pass wide end around front from left to right.

  • Half Windsor Knot Tie Step 5

    5. Then up through loop...

  • Half Windsor Knot Tie Step 6

    6. And down through knot in front. Tighten carefully and draw up to collar.


Bow Tie

— Gentlemen wear bow ties —
  • Bow Tie Step 1

    1. Begin by draping tie around neck, with the left side extending 1-1/2" below the right side.

  • Bow Tie Step 2

    2. Cross longer end over shorter and pass up through loop.

  • Bow Tie Step 3

    3. Form front loop of bow by doubling up shorter end (hanging) and placing across collar points.

  • Bow Tie Step 4

    4. Hold this front loop with thumb and forefinger of left hand. Drop long end down over front.

  • Bow Tie Step 5

    5. Place right forefinger, pointing up, on bottom half of hanging part. Pass up behind front loop and...

  • Bow Tie Step 6

    6. Poke resulting loop through knot behind front loop. Adjust the ends evenly, and tighten.

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